Basic Invite Wedding Invitations

Planning Your Own Wedding

Everything for your wedding invitations in one place!

Finding the best fit for your wedding invitation needs is always a priority right out the gate for couples. From the moment you get engaged, the first things on the minds of most couples is often choosing a date, booking your venue, and sending out save the dates. Basic Invite is a Utah based company that strives to make designing your wedding invitations easy, custom, and cohesive from save the date all the way through your wedding website.

We tell couples time and time again, your wedding invitations are the first glimpse your guests get of your wedding day. It sets the tone of the celebration to come, and provides vital information for your guests to prepare for your big day! All of this makes finding the perfect save the date cards and wedding card templates an extremely important task in the early planning process! Thankfully, Basic Invite has some pretty amazing features that not only make this process fun and enjoyable, but ensures you are fully confident in your save the dates, wedding invitations, and countless other stationery needs for your wedding day.

Fully Customized Wedding Invitations

In the early “shopping” stages of selecting your wedding invitations, most couples want to see and feel their options in person as well as see what the design would look like with their customizations. Basic Invite is one of the few websites that will allow couples to fully customize their invitations and order a sample to see and feel in real life. An extremely valuable feature of their site allowing couples to ensure their wedding invitations are absolutely perfect before placing their full order!

Hundreds of color options to choose from

Basic invite wedding invitations provide a level of customization along with the ease of being able to choose from hundreds of save the dates and invitations to fit any brides style! With 180 color options, instant online previews, silver/gold/and rose gold foil options, and 40 different peel and seal envelope color options it takes all the guesswork out of designing your semi custom stationery suite and is a feature not seen from similar companies.

Guest Address Collection

Not only are you able to have a fully customized designing and proofing process for your wedding invitation suite; Basic Invite has an incredible tool for collecting your guest addresses. With a custom link provided when you begin personalizing your wedding invitations, couples can send the link out to their guest or share on their social media accounts for them to easily submit their addresses to then be input for printing. A huge weight and time consuming task lifted right off of couples shoulders.

With so many wonderful features, Basic Invite is easily one of the best websites to create your dream wedding suite through, and right now they are offering 15% off! Be sure to use coupon code: 15FF51 at checkout, and share all your custom wedding invitations with us on your social media accounts @sincerelyjaneevents and @basicinvite so we can cheer you on in your planning!

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